June 11, 2013
Allegations of devil worshippers and evil spirits cause mass invasion of a Malindi school. One accused teacher beaten up because of the ‘devil worship’ allegations levelled.
Beware! This is a tale of devils and demons, even ‘devilish demons’, evil spells, blood sucking and mass hysteria. The Devil hasn’t gone down to Georgia, he’s in Malindi by all accounts.
The Star reported today of the ‘chaos’ that has engulfed Takaye primary school in Malindi constituency where irate parents have invaded the school accusing two teachers of devil worship and casting evil spells over students.
The Star even carried a photograph of hysterical young girls being held by other students, stating as a matter of fact that these were “some of the children possessed by evil spirits”.
Parents allege that eight students (the Daily Nation reports six), mostly girls, went hysterical on Saturday, possessed by evil spirits. Apparently the hysteria attacks have led to seizures and loss of consciousness.
So what did the parents do? Hold a meeting of the PTA? Not a bit of it. This is Kenya. They rampaged onto the school grounds, chased the two teachers into a classroom, threw rocks on the roof, beat up one teacher and tried to ‘lynch’ another.
“My life is in danger”, one teacher was reported to have cried. “I am being accused of something which I do not know or practice”.
Such was the mayhem that the police had to intervene to save the two teachers, firing shots in the air and dispensing tear case canisters in the process.
The police were not the first to be called in to solve the problem. According to the Daily Nation pastors from various churches have been called in to say prayers but as soon as they leave the school the devilish hysteria attacks resume.
The Daily Nation even reported that church leaders went to Malindi Police Station where the girls had been taken to pray for them but ‘the pupils turned against them and threatened to suck the pastors’ blood’.
Area education officer Mary Kamurua took a more pragmatic view. “School teachers, committees and teachers and parents’ associations are always available and should be consulted before action is taken”, she said. Quite so says the Kenya Forum, especially before a lynching.
Can you imagine the agenda for the next PTA meeting?!
Item 1: Devil worship and mass hysteria.
Item 2: The lynching.
Item 3: Saturday’s coffee morning and BBQ.
Item 4: Any Other Business.
Heaven help us, says the Kenya Forum. We live in the 21st century. It is 2013. Kenya has been independent for nearly 50 years. And some people still believe in devil worshipers and possession by evil spirits, including it seems some journalists.