July 28, 2022
Emboldened, Sonko started to misbehave anywhere in Nairobi. His dress code included flashy outfits most of which were coloured in gold.
Photo courtesy Citizen Digital
This is the story of Rise and Fall of Mbuvi Gideon Kioko, commonly known as Mike Sonko, former M.P, Senator and Governor of Nairobi County…
Gideon Mbuvi Kioko, better known as Mike Sonko, came into the limelight late in 2010 when he approached Hon Raila Amolo Odinga to give him a ticket to vie for a parliamentary position which came vacant because the incumbent, Hon. Waithaka post of M.P. for Makadara was nullified by High Court.
Since John Ndolo who had lost unfairly is the one who took Hon Waithaka to Court to Appeal and was successful, Raila Amolo Odinga referred Sonko to ODM Officials to handle his case. This was not acceptable to Sonko who then approached Narc Party, then headed by Hon Charity Ngilu, who also refused to give him the chance.
Before thinking of joining politics, Sonko had ventured into various activities including Real Estates, Matatus and Gold Mining and he was loaded with money. After being turned down by Hon Ngilu, Sonko approached Iron Lady Hon. Martha Wangari Karua of Narc Kenya who offered him the nomination ticket.
Sonko went ahead to floor John Ndolo of ODM in the By Election for Makadara Constituency in Nairobi.
It was easy for Sonko because part of his campaign agenda included offering his tenants six months stay without paying rent. He also installed electricity supply in all his rented rooms in the slums of Gorogocho, Kayole and let his tenants use a free supply of electricity. Those who boarded his matatus when he was also a passenger were offered a free ride to wherever they were going.
This made his entry into parliament very easy. Sonko moved ahead to become the Senator of Nairobi in the 2013 General Election even without the support of President Uhuru and Deputy William Ruto.
During this time, Sonko offered free services under his Sonko Rescue Team which did a lot of activities in the City. The flamboyant and philanthropic man mesmerised the people of Nairobi by offering plenty of free services including paying school fees, hospital fees, and funding for people who were taken to Court and needed bail.
During the time Sonko was a Member of Parliament, he could be seen at various scenes where there was any protest by public Wanjikos on any issue even where the people were wrong.
Mike Sonko won the sympathy and votes of Nairobians which helped him defeat Dr. Evans Kidero in 2017 General Elections garnering more votes than President Uhuru and Raila Amolo Odinga who were Presidential Candidates.
Emboldened, Sonko started to misbehave anywhere in Nairobi. His dress code included flashy outfits most of which were coloured in gold.
Wherever he went outside the country Sonko behaved like an ordinary person depicting a demeanor not fit for the Head of the Capital of Kenya.
These negative activities led the County Council of Nairobi to impeach him in 2020 which was confirmed by the Senate. The High Court and Court of Appeal both upheld the Senate Decision. This made the days of Sonko in Public Service. He appealed to the Supreme Court of Kenya which sat for many days without taking action.
Sonko was then nominated by Wiper Party of Hon. Kalonzo Mushioka who knew that Sonko was impeached and Section 75 of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 does not allow those impeached to seek any Public Service positions. Because of this, the IEBC declined to accept his request. Sonko and Kalonzo appealed to the IEBC Resolution Panel which also declined to accept his candidature to be on the ballot.
Meanwhile the Appeal to the Supreme Court had not been exhausted in line with Chapter 193 (C) Sonko appealed to High Court in Mombasa which allowed him to be included on the ballot by IEBC only for the Supreme Court of Kenya to sink the last name on Sonko’s Election ambition of Mombasa.
It is rumoured that Sonko is working on appealing to the East Africa Court of Appeal but this in line with many Scholars of Law think that it is a waste of time.
The time of Sonko to use his immense cash is definitely coming to an end. The nine lives of Sonko the Cat have been used up. We can effectively say “Adios Amigo” to the flamboyant philanthropist Mike Mbuzi Kioko Sonko – bye bye!